ISSN: 2249-9504



Author(s): Muzaiyanahmed Khan*, Emhemmed A Hibshi, Abdulkareem H Miloudand Ramadhan Al Oshta

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Diabetes in elderly females.Oxidative stress is regarded as a main causal factor for natural ageing. This study tested the hypothesis that healthy elderly people show higher oxidative DNA damage levels and lower antioxidative enzymatic defense capacities. In type II diabetic patients, persistence of hyperglycemia is one of the causes of increased in oxygen free radicals. This increase oxidative stress and makes the life threatening cardiovascular complications. Blood samples were drawn from selective 100 elderly females (with and without diabetes). In elderly females having menopause, there occur hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperlipoproteinemia, these on the body, escort an increase in free radicals, with mounting oxidative stress. In diabetes the body suffers with a poor or negligible glycemic control. All diabetic post menopausal females with CVD have been reported a significant high levels of Fasting Blood Sugar, Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL-C, VLDL-C, CAT, NT-proBNP and MDA and significantly lower levels of HDL-C, GPx,SOD as compared to control subjects. In type-II diabetes mellitus elderly female patients during the postmenopause, the probability of secondary complications of cardiovascular diseases increases.

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