Author(s): Seema Y Mendhekar* , Mayuri S Bangar, Chetana D Balsaraf, SL. Jadhav and DD. Gaikwad
Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet ssp. Indicum Family (Malvaceae) popularly known as Atibala is used as one of the most important drug in traditional system of medicine to treat various ailments. The present study deals with pharmacognostic, phytochemical, physicochemical and detail microscopical evaluation of leaves of Abutilon indicum. Abutilon indicum may be attributed to the successful conversion of botanical folklore medicines to modern wonder drugs and to amend the health condition for people and also to used in pharmaceutics and neutraceutics merchandise of commercial significance. Ethnic people use the ethnobotanical important plant species of Abutilon indicum. So there is necessary to study some phytochemical analysis and biological activities of this plant. Phytochemical screening should be carried out by using pure extract of various plant species of Abutilon indicum. Purification and toxicological studies should be carried out with a view of sourcing Antimicrobial agents for drug development. The propose work of present research is to focus on poisonous effect of Abutilon indicum in the form of powder of leaves and prepare the crude extract.