Author(s): CS. Fortes , C. Silva*and EES. Camargo
The use of medicinal plants on the treatment of prime feelings has been developed during the time, and this increasing is related with several factors between them, the security of the phytotherapy on clinical studies. During the realization of this study, was spread 100 questionnaires, shared in two groups: those whom are druggists and those ones whom are not druggists, 37 (75%), already did the use of phytotherapy without medical prescription, but 31 (62%) go to the doctor before to use this treatment, but, 30 (60%) answered to trust in the druggist indication of the phytotherapy, just 6 (12%) answered do not trust in the druggist indication. The most part of the druggists interviewees are formed by 12 years, before the Resolution CNE/CNS nº2 of February 19, 2002 (BRASIL, 2002), for a general formation, we have 38 (76%) that answered to have knowledge in phytotherapy. Between the interviewees, just 16 (32%) had this subject in their formation and 41 (82%) of the druggists coursed the subject of pharmacognosy in their graduation.