Author(s): MP.Bhandarwad*,AD. Savkare, SA.Tahseen, TA.Kulakarniand SS.Deodhar
Hormone therapy is another form of systemic therapy. It is most often used as an adjuvant therapy to help reduce the risk of the cancer coming back after surgery, but it can be used as neoadjuvant treatment, as well.Hormone therapy or androgen deprivation therapyis a form of treatment used to control prostate cancer. Testosterone is the primary male hormone. It helps develop and maintain typical male characteristics such as muscle mass, erectile function and sexual desire. A normal testosterone level is necessary and does not cause problems. However, when cancer cells are in the prostate, testosterone can make them grow faster. In other words, testosterone feeds prostate cancer. If testosterone is stopped, the cancercells will shrink, no matter where they are in the body. Hormone therapy does not cure cancer. It helps stop the body from producing testosterone or stop it from getting into the cancer cells. It must be used with other treatments like surgery or radiation. However, hormone therapy can temporarily slow the growth of prostate cancer and shrink existing tumours, reducing symptoms and prolonging life.Treatment of prostate cancer varies depending on the stage of the cancer and may include surgical removal, radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal manipulation or a combination of these treatments.