Author(s): SK. Mishra1*, Naresh Bajaj2, Prabhakar Singh3, Keshav Singh4 and Pallavi Indurkar5
This study was conducted in the department of Physiology at S.S. Medical College, Rewa, MP with Aim to determine the frequency and distribution of “A, B, AB, O and Rh” blood groups among medical students and aware them to blood groups related diseases, between December 2012 to March 2013, total 223 students were enrolled, blood samples were collected by finger prick method. A drop of Anti-sera A, B, and Anti D were added to a drop of blood on clean and fresh glass slides and mixed well with glass rod. Of these 223 students, 137 males and 86 were females. Result shows the blood group B was the most predominant (39.46%) followed by O (29.59%), A (20.62%) and AB (10.31%), of them 95.06% had Rh positive blood group. Group B was the commonest blood group in both males and females students 37.95% and 41.86% respectively; Rh group (antigen) was positive (+ve) in 93.43% of males and 97.67% females, in this study we concluded that group ‘B’ is the commonest blood groups among both male (37.95%) and female (41.86%) medical students.