Author(s): Sandhu Premjeet1, 2* , Bilandi Ajay1, Kumar Sunil1, Kapoor Bhawana1, Kataria Sahil1, Rathore Divashish2 and Bhardwaj Sudeep1
Additives are inactive ingredients in dosages form. Additives are non drug component for structuring dosage form. Selection of topical vehicles depends on various dermatological factors and pharmaceutical factors. Although such traditional dosage forms as ointments can be employed in this kind of therapy (e.g. nitroglycerin ointments), adhesive systems of precisely defined size are the luie. Here, percutaneous absorption with appreciable systemic drug accumulation is absolutely essential. Ideally, there would be no local accumulation of drug, but such accumulation is unavoidable. The drug is forced through the relatively small diffusional window defined by the contact area of the patch. Consequently, high and potentially irritating or sensitizing concentrations of a drug in the viable tissues underlying the patch are preordained by the nature of the delivery process. Dermatological factors are absorption penetration, skin condition, compatibility, emollient properties. Pharmaceutical factors are stability, solvent properties, emulsifying property. Ointment bases are very important vehicle for semisolid topical dosages form. Topical dosage from designed to exert local activity when applied to the skin or mucous membranes. Topical dosage forms are protective, emollient and therapeutic agents.